No matter what is going on in his beloved's life. Even if she is about to sit 1st semester exams for a Graduate Certificate of Property Investment whilst working full time.
Not ideal, but I wasn't complaining.
Proposal came literally days from exams starting. Luckily there was only 2.
No study was done.
I revelled in the excuse not to study as other things, mostly ring gazing, took over.
I took pride when i stood up and walked out of the examination room before anyone else and before the last 10 mins (when you are held against your will until every paper is painstakingly collected by middle aged, cardigan wearing women), after answering every question, WITH a massive shiny rock on my finger. Bet none of those other geeks could attest to such magnificence. and they sure as shit didnt have as much of a good 'study week' as I did. Best part? I walked away with my head held high, knowing I'd probably not done as well as I could have and was in dire danger of failing altogether but also that I couldn't care less. I was engaged and nothing else mattered.
Now that weeks have passed, I can now reveal that I passed. An amazing miracle that simply pales in significance to other recent events!
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